We consistently attempt to convey the many long-term advantages of aluminum metal roofing compared to the long-term disadvantages of asphalt roofing. However, many homeowners express intense concern as to whether or not these long-term returns actually amount to a worthy investment compared to multiple asphalt roofing installations throughout the duration of their time in the… ( read more )
May 2, 2014 | Filed under: Articles, Education, General, Metal Roofing
Among many of the frequently asked questions we receive, the first and most prominent of them all is, of course, “How much does a metal roof cost?” This is the number one question our consultants receive from homeowners all over New England. This is also the number one question we usually cannot answer over the… ( read more )
April 16, 2014 | Filed under: Articles, Education, Metal Roofing
Like they always say, a penny saved is a penny earned. With all of this talk about the cheapest possible roofing replacement for your home, let’s explore the multitudes of benefits regarding our number one choice for short-term savings and instantaneous long-term damage: asphalt roofing. An asphalt roofing installation is about a third of the… ( read more )
April 1, 2014 | Filed under: Articles, General
The most exciting history lesson you will ever experience. With copper roofing, zinc roofing, and aluminum roofing increasingly becoming some of the more common home improvement endeavors in the New England area, many wonder if history has actually proven the multitude of positive statements spoken about these sorts of lifetime metal roofing systems. Many homeowners… ( read more )
March 31, 2014 | Filed under: Metal Roofing
There are a variety of different metals and chemistry’s that many aluminum metal roofing contractors both install and recommend. When the consultants on our team speak with homeowners looking for information on metal roofing systems, one of the most common question they are frequently asked is, “What type of metal is best for my home?”… ( read more )
March 24, 2014 | Filed under: Metal Roofing