The term “metal roof” can conjure up images of dull, flimsy corrugated sheet metal rusting away on top of an old dilapidated house. But times – and metal roofs – are changing. “Metal roofs have been around for years, but over the last few years they’ve really evolved,” says Angie Hicks, founder of the consumer… ( read more )
August 30, 2011 | Filed under: Articles, Education, General, Metal Roofing
Metal roofs have been around for many years, but they have evolved. Angie’s List, a leading national provider of consumer reviews, polled some highly rated (according to Angie’s List) roofing contractors about the pros and cons of metal roofing. They follow that up with a list of tips for hiring a metal roofing company.
August 11, 2011 | Filed under: Articles, Education, General, Metal Roofing
Andrew Smolski, a specialist in Political/Economic Sociology, argues that alternative energy is a boom industry that needs government help in order to cover the initial losses that would be incurred by private industry: It will not “be some socialist evil over-centralizing,”, he concludes, “but it will allow America to rebuild an economy that hangs on… ( read more )
August 11, 2011 | Filed under: Articles, Green News, Solar Energy, Wind Energy
State Rep. James Cantwell, D-Marshfield, wants the state to encourage research and investment in hydrokinetics – the harnessing of energy from moving water – by allowing private companies and municipalities to sell back any energy they create through this technology to utility companies. Researchers are working on devices that harness energy from the ocean’s tides… ( read more )
July 26, 2011 | Filed under: Articles, General, Green News
Some covered bridges in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania are going to take on a new look. Well, not a totally new look, but one from a different time in their histories. Plans are to replace the cedar-shingle roofs for six county-owned covered bridges with metal roofs.
July 26, 2011 | Filed under: Articles, Metal Roofing