Alternative energy investments often make sense for an individual homeowner; however, well-known investor advisory service “The Motley Fool” explains that the idea that widespread deployments of wind turbines, solar panels, and electric vehicles will slash hydrocarbon consumption and give us a greener planet is flawed. These technologies are heavy users of industrial metals. Any significant… ( read more )
July 18, 2011 | Filed under: Green News, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Wind Power
Following a two year hiatus we will be regularly posting on this blog again — bringing you a few carefully considered posts each week on the general subjects of metal roofing and alternative energy.
July 18, 2011 | Filed under: General
Solazyme, Inc., a renewable oil production company and leader in algal synthetic biology, announced that it has surpassed $76 million in funding, which includes a $57 million Series C financing round that just closed. Solazyme uses microalgae biotechnology to produce clean and scalable fuels, “green” chemicals, edible oils and health and wellness products.
June 9, 2009 | Filed under: General
Across Germany’s Solar Valley and beyond, the story is the same, despite the subsidies and the continuing rhetoric from Berlin about the threat from global warming. Workers are struggling with lower pay and are being hit not just by a global recession but by a crisis in an industry whose potential was once considered almost… ( read more )
June 9, 2009 | Filed under: Green News
Wind and waste. That’s what will lead the way for Muskegon into the green jobs industry. But it’s going to take a conscious effort to join the revolution.
June 8, 2009 | Filed under: Green News