WASHINGTON — Louisiana’s third-oldest settlement could become the state’s first to have a wind turbine, bringing it closer to energy independence and ahead of a nationwide call for increased use of renewable resources. https://www.theadvocate.com/
June 8, 2009 | Filed under: Wind Power
Imagine gliding along University Avenue in a light-rail car powered by solar-generated electricity and spotting solar energy panels on nearly every rooftop you pass. Better still, imagine that one of the buildings outside your window is a manufacturing site for solar panels, employing hundreds of workers. http://www.startribune.com/opinion/commentary/47070762.html?elr=KArksc8P:Pc:U0ckkD:aEyKUiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUU
June 7, 2009 | Filed under: Solar Energy
China, second only to the United States in terms of power consumption, announced this week that it will spend about 100 billion yuan ($14..6 billion) to more than double its wind power capacity by 2010 over last year. More than 200 billion yuan was allocated to energy saving and carbon reducing projects under China’s stimulus… ( read more )
June 7, 2009 | Filed under: Green News
Dear Classic Metal Roofs: My husband and I purchased our first home in 2004. The shingle roof on the house was replaced in the spring of 2005. Although it was structurally sound, we had an ongoing problem. The heating/central air unit, which creates its own heat, is located in the attic. This heat would rise… ( read more )
June 5, 2009 | Filed under: Testimonials
Dear Classic Metal Roofs: Just a letter of appreciation for the fine job you and your company did in providing me with a handsome new roof. Of course the “proof of the pudding is in the eating”, and this letter should probably be written in another few decades when the roof has met its promise… ( read more )
June 5, 2009 | Filed under: Testimonials