Dear Classic Metal Roofs: I want to thank you, your hard-working installation crew, and your sales and administration staff for an excellent job on my roof. I realize very well that my roof was a challenge technically. That’s why I looked for a long time for the right company to do the work. I chose… ( read more )
June 5, 2009 | Filed under: Testimonials
This project is a layover, which means that the roof is installed over one layer of asphalt shingles. The product is Classic’s Rustic Shake. The total area of metal roofing is 8500 square feet with an additional 500 square feet of PVC membrane on 4 small flat roofs. All material is Energy Star rated and… ( read more )
May 28, 2009 | Filed under: Case Study
We are glad you are here. We have created this blog for people who are interested in metal roofing and green living in general. Our intention here is to provide you, the homeowner, with pertinent information toward making your home green. This will be about more than metal roofing. We will attempt to bring you… ( read more )
May 5, 2009 | Filed under: General