Why Is Metal Roofing in Popular in Massachusetts?
February 4, 2022 | By Mike Gonet | Filed under: Blog

Weather continues to become more extreme. Summers are hotter and wetter than ever. Winters have extreme temperature changes. Sometimes there’s a lot of heavy snow and other times it’s ice. The changes in the weather in our area makes metal roofing a great solution no matter what we have this year and for years to come. However, weather isn’t the only reason it’s a great option in Massachusetts.
Metal Roofing’s Advantages
Let’s say you’re looking for a home in New England and have two you love. One has a standard asphalt shingle roof that’s about ten years old. The other has an aluminum metal roof of the same age. Which home do you see as a better investment? Did you know that the aluminum roof will likely NEVER need to be replaced while the home with the asphalt roof will most likely need replacement within the next 5-7 years or sooner. Not only that, but the home with asphalt shingle roof will likely also have higher heating and cooling costs as well.
Ask your professional metal roofing company about maintenance. An honest roofer will tell you that an asphalt roof requires significantly more maintenance than a metal roof. And, they may even add that they perform a lot more repairs to asphalt roofing than metal roofing.
We mentioned the New England weather specifically. The weather and the sun will damage your roof. Perhaps the biggest is that of the freeze-thaw cycle which happens regularly from December through March. If there is snow or ice on your asphalt shingle roof, ice dams are likely. Metal roofing with snow brakes has much less ice damming and even when it happens, it does not infiltrate the interior of the home.
Call for Your Free NO PRESSURE Metal Roofing Consultation in Massachusetts, CT, RI, or NH
Although metal roofing is a larger investment up front, its long term costs are significantly lower. Call Classic Metal Roofs for your free estimate at (866) 660-6668 or complete our contact form and we’ll call you. We’re based in Stow, Massachusetts and service all of MA; and we have offices in CT, RI, and NH.