Category: Education

Why Alternative Energy

Sometimes, I must admit, it is difficult to convince myself of the scientific basis for global warming and alternative energy. The data seems too easy to manipulate. Can scientists really predict temperatures 100 years into the future when it is so difficult to predict this year’s hurricane season? Perhaps with some probability of error. What… ( read more )

How to Get Tax Credits for Roof Replacement

A metal roof that was eligible for a tax credit in southern New England

Decode the Tax Credit for Metal Roofs at Classic Metal Roofs At Classic Metal Roofs in New England, we’ve noticed homeowners have increasingly turned to metal roofing not only for its durability and aesthetic appeal but also for the potential financial benefits it can bring with the introduction of metal roof tax credits. This often-overlooked… ( read more )

Sunny Days for Solar

This week, solar electricity made the news with high-profile investments by Google and the government’s energy department. Google announced that they are funding the installation of solar panels on 10,000 homes. The Obama administration’s investment will loan out about a billion dollars to electric companies developing their solar programs. When looking for the best places… ( read more )

Should You Go Solar?

There’s no doubt that a solar electric system will cut your monthly utility bill. But will it save you money in the long run? That’s a tricky question. The upfront costs average about $15,000 to $25,000 (after financial credits and rebates). For a lot of folks, the discussion ends right there. But for people who… ( read more )

Ask Angie: Overlay new roof over the old roof?

We need a new roof. A builder suggested we overlay new roof on the existing layer of shingles. Is it wise to do this? My concern is how would we know about any underlying damage? I would appreciate any input about the pros and cons of this method. Overlaying New Roof? Make it Metal. In… ( read more )