The Metal Roofing Revolution
June 1, 2017 | By Bryan Rusch | Filed under: Articles, Education, General, Metal Roofing

You say you want a revolution
Well you know
We all want to change the world
You say you got a real solution
Well you know
We’d all love to see the plan ~~ John Lennon
Metal Roofing: A More Sustainable, Lower Maintenance Choice
Perhaps you have lately noticed a certain trend in exterior home remodeling. Homeowners are moving toward more sustainable and lower maintenance options in order to save money in future labor costs and protect their investment over the longer haul.
Metal roofing has become a popular choice due to its longevity, beauty, and performance. It is an environmentally friendly choice as well. In addition to out-performing all other roof types during harsh winters, the metal roofing revolution has gained market and mind share because metal roofing manufacturers are offering more choices in colors and styles to meet the demands of a discriminating residential market. From advanced standing seam systems to interlock metal roofing shingles, there are a lot of choices!
We have been conditioned to view our home as an asset, whereas the reality is that it often proves to be a liability – mainly in the form of the maintenance expenses a house incurs over its lifetime. A home is a large consumer durable which requires ongoing upkeep to keep it from physically deteriorating. We also pay property taxes year after year. And while a home may increase in value, a level-headed analysis will usually reveal that that is more a result of inflation than anything else.Smart homeowners are learning they can decrease their liabilities with quality, long-lasting building materials, especially on the building envelope. The cost of labor to replace materials, or to maintain them on the exterior of the home, is not only expensive but time-consuming. If you are paying a contractor to do it, that can involve the frequently aggravating chore of going through the process of finding and vetting one every 5-10 years. If you can end the typical labor- and material-cost burdens that a home with short-lived materials cycles through over the course of your lifetime – such as those entailed in painting an exterior or re-roofing – it is effectively like putting money in the bank. That is one of the reasons why metal roofing that is installed by a competent metal roofing contractor has caught on. The performance and aesthetic attributes of metal roofing are frosting on the economic cake.
The value of extremely durable materials, requiring no maintenance, is that they provide a return on investment in the form of avoided upkeep costs and the concomitant frustrations and worries. Leaving your home in the winter months to take a tropical vacation? No longer a cause for concern. There will be no water penetration from ice dams and no need for roof raking on account of the weight of accumulated heavy snow. During the warmer-weather months there will be no need to chase down a roofer to replace stray shingles blown off during that recent wind storm or that were damaged by hail … and so on. The East Coast has experienced a more dramatic metal roofing revolution than other areas of the county, due in part to the record snowfalls and volatile weather in recent years.
So, are you a candidate for the metal roofing revolutionary vanguard? You could be. If you plan to stay in your home for at least 2 years and would like to increase the value and your enjoyment of your home with the last roof you will ever need, then we invite you to take a closer look at the virtues of a lifetime metal roof as compared with a traditional asphalt roof. Join the metal roofing revolution. For more information on whether an aluminum metal roof is the roof for you, request your free copy of The Ultimate Guide to Metal Roofing here, and use our Free Consultation form for a free quote.
For more information on a comparison between a lifetime aluminum roof and a traditional asphalt roof click here.