
Do You Have Metal Roof Snow Retention?

metal roof snow retention in New Hampshire

One of the big advantages of metal roofing is that it is much more durable than asphalt roofing against heavy snowfalls. It also withstands the freeze-thaw cycle better than other roofing materials. However, without metal roof snow retention, you are leaving yourself open to a potential hazard. When the temperatures warm, even a little, the… ( read more )

What Is The Difference between Quality & Inexpensive Metal Roofing Products?

Although inexpensive metal roofing is ok for some projects, if you’re roofing your home, we don’t recommend it. You want quality metal roofing installed on your home by an experienced metal roofing contractor. There’s a big difference in quality and inexpensiveness and we’ll help you understand why investing a little time investigating is worth it… ( read more )

Why Is Metal Roofing in Popular in Massachusetts?

advantages of having a metal roof in Massachusetts

Weather continues to become more extreme. Summers are hotter and wetter than ever. Winters have extreme temperature changes. Sometimes there’s a lot of heavy snow and other times it’s ice. The changes in the weather in our area makes metal roofing a great solution no matter what we have this year and for years to… ( read more )

Why Consider Metal Roofing for Your Dormer?

The old house with metal roof and lamp light

If you’re replacing the roof on your home or planning an exterior renovation, consider metal roofing. If metal roofing on your entire roof isn’t in your budget or something you’re interested in, adding metal roofing to a dormer is a great way to add some visual interest to your home’s exterior. What is a Dormer?… ( read more )

Now is the Time to Install Metal Roof Snow Retention

The view of the metal roof in Rhode Island

Although it may not seem like it, our first snowfall isn’t that far off. Most years, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut average one snowfall in November.  Rhode Island has snow a bit later into December, according to the Weather Channel. However, once we start seeing significant snow, it’s not too late for the installation of… ( read more )